After doctors told me that they could no longer help me beyond managing my pain with a cocktail of medications, I found Yoga.
With commitment to myself, my practice, and my faith, I found a path of healing.
I am inspired and motivated to help support others on their journey of improved health and wellbeing.
15 min
"I would recommend anyone suffering from pain who is looking for a long lasting and healthy way to deal with the issue at hand to come to you. I thank you with all my heart!”
Shoshi Wallis
"Working with Ariella could be beneficial for any woman with a chronic pain condition.
She helped me learn to love my body more and understand the beauty of how it functions."
"Ariella is incredibly talented, sensitive, respectful and knowledgeable. She uses her own life experiences and the challenges that she has dealt with for the benefit of her clients."
Aviva Zahavi-Asa
״זו למידה בקצב קשוב ומותאם, זו למידה שמקדמת בצורה אמיתית, זו למידה שבונה בי את השינוי ככה שהוא לא יכול להימחק, התהליך הוא אמיתי, זה לא משהו מבחוץ שכמו שהוא בא ככה הוא יכול להיעלם, זו למידה משנה חיים. ואריאלה היא האדם המושלם להנחות את הלמידה הזו, גם מהניסיון שלה וגם מהאישיות שלה.״
אביטל יניגר
My Yoga Journey to IAYT Certification
Yoga Therapy is what I needed during my medical crisis, and now I can offer it, so you don’t have to feel so lost, helpless or alone.
Read more about my journey from skeptical hesitation about yoga to joining the international community of Yoga Therapists.